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AOD Writing

Let me be your media coach!

This two-hour workshop is developed for those working in the mental health sector, or in the field of addiction, HIV or eating disorders, who may also have lived experience. It is designed to help workers explore their own personal stories, with exercises that they can then also use with their clients. Services in the past have hosted it via Zoom or on their premises, and tend to advertise it via their newsletters and social media.

Price Structure

$550 if you are making tickets free to participants

$700 if tickets are sold (the price is at your discretion) and there are up to 20 participants

$1000 if tickets are sold and there are more than 20 participants.

Examples of services that have hosted the workshop - and how they did it

SANDAS (The South Australian Network of Drug and Alcohol Services)

20 people, $20 for members, $30 for non-members.

Held via Zoom.


Turning Point (drug and alcohol services and research)

30 participants @ $110 each.

First workshop held in person at Turning Point offices. Second workshop held via Zoom.


Women’s Executive Leaders AOD Alliance

20 people, free tickets.
Held in a hotel conference room.


DAPAANZ in New Zealand

40 people, included in ticket price for Cutting Edge conference.

QuIVAA (Queensland Injectors Voice for Advocacy and Action)

16 people, free.

Held via Zoom.

QNADA (The Queensland Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies)

20 in first workshop; 18 in follow-up workshop; free.
Held via Zoom.


NADA (The New South Wales Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies)

16 people, free.

Held via Zoom.


"I really enjoyed the workshop and recommend anyone taking up this opportunity, next time it is offered. I gained a real benefit from participating in this training, sharing ideas with others and being inspired by people’s creativity. Thank you to Hepatitis SA for suggesting this workshop to me"

Kath (SANDAS, participant)

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