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Nailing your structure and characters.

I have two 90-minute memoir workshops that I hold regularly on Zoom and in person: one on Writing About Real People and one on Nailing Your Structure. Sometimes I run them together, for a bumper three hours. I've also hosted them on behalf of Bendigo Writers Festival, Emerging Writers Festival, Catherine Deveny's Gunnas, Avid Reader and The Monthly magazine's workshop series.

Workshop #1: Writing About Real People

  • Consider ways other memoirists have written about family 

  • See what different memoirists have said bout memory, truth and artistic licence

  • Understand how trauma affects memory

  • Look at the different roles common in a dysfunctional family

  • See examples of disclaimers and right of reply

  • Consider yourself as a protagonist

  • Find your tone of voice

  • Avoid a story drenched in shame

  • Can you be anonymous?

  • Understand defamation law in Australia


Register your interest for the next workshop.

Workshop #2: Nailing Your Structure

  • Look at the various forms of first-person writing

  • Identify your crusades and your readers

  • Find inventive ways to theme your story

  • Use different templates to structure your story

  • Learn how great beginning and endings work

  • Apply the rules of classical music and feature writing to your chapters

  • Work in research via different methods

  • Identify the universal themes of your life

  • Write a proposal for a publisher or agent


Register your interest for the next workshop.

Session Costs

$100 per person for 90 minute session.

NB: Organisations (such as writers groups and writers festivals) can book both these workshops as one giant three-hour affair for a flat rate of $700 (plus expenses if on-site) and can attach a reasonable ticket price​


"I came away with lots of new ideas and ways to improve my writing, which you delivered in a thoughtful and engaging way. The diagram about the Ordinary/Special Worlds is a great structure for the coming-out experience. That, and many other things discussed, had so much resonance"

Bendigo Writers Festival (participant)


"In the 24 hours since your workshop I can feel the tiny fragments that have been faffing around doing nothing for months forming into place. I’ve drafted two chapters, one-handed with one eye on my phone and the other on the baby, but I had to grab it as it erupted. Very clarifying, affirming and practical"

Jasper Peach (Zoom participant)


"I have never been brave enough to do something like this workshop. When I saw Jenny was going to be there I knew that the two combined opportunities (writing and Jenny’s experience) could not be missed. I signed up feeling brave and nearly did not attend. However, I am so glad I did – I gained so much from Jenny’s reflections and suggestions."

Gunnas (participant)

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